Wednesday 21 January 2015

Celebrity Big Brother 2015: The ejected, the rejected and Alexander O'Neal

Not everyone will agree with me on this I know, but Celebrity Big Brother makes my year. Maybe I just get perks from watching people argue and a general tense atmosphere...

This year is proving to be one of the BEST but most ANNOYING series' of all time - thank you, Perez Hilton. You are as annoying as you are entertaining, and maybe I will learn to tolerate you... One day.

Seeing as I've only just got into all this blog biz, I just wanted to write about my opinions on the people that have left so far - two people were ejected IN THE SAME WEEK for offensive and inappropriate behaviour, one left and one was actually evicted normally by the public...

Jeremy Jackson

Some bloke that was a child actor in Baywatch and has done absolutely nothing since.

Okay, so was it just me that thought this guy was just a little bit shifty right from the launch show? As Perez Hilton OBVIOUSLY knew, apparently Jeremy had just broken up with his long-term wife and was going through a lot of issues. Tip no.1 Jeremy, don't go into the Big Brother house, and Tip no.2, don't drink LOTS on the 3 nights that you were actually in there.
So as most people that watch the programme or read the Sun newspaper probably know, Jeremy got a little bit too drunk one night and ended up "groping" or "undoing the dressing gown" of fellow housemate Chloe Goodman. 
Now, it's difficult to have an opinion on this - we couldn't see anything so we don't know what actually went down. But, what matters is - it got him kicked out and apparently, rumour has it, a police caution. So must of been pretty bad. He's since claimed on This Morning that he unreleased her dressing gown as he was "interested in the style of it". Who am I to judge? Maybe it's lies, maybe it's not. Whatever, I think it was right for Big Brother to kick Jeremy out, purely because I think he's a bit mentally unstable right now and it probably didn't do him any good.

Ken Morley

I've never heard of him but apparently he's pretty famous for Coronation Street, but is now better known for being a bit old-fashioned.

Definitely one of the most controversial housemates this series. When he entered during the launch show, I was a bit unsure. Either, this man is going to be hilarious and will go all the way, or he's  a little bit odd. I should have been certain of the second one.
Yes, ok, he was hilarious sometimes and did make the show worth watching, but some of the things he said just make you think "KEN, HOW CAN YOU BE SUCH AN IDIOT?!"
So fans of the show will know that Ken was very old-fashioned with his choice of words and approach to other housemates, so he thought it was okay to use racist terms in conversation with Alexander O'Neal and to use extremely sexist and creepy language when speaking about the women of the house.
"Some of the best asses I've ever seen in the world here" as he looked at them in the shower.
So to be honest with you, I'm a bit unsure about Ken; I don't think he meant anything in a nasty way - I don't think he's racist, homophobic, or sexist, I just think he's a little bit silly to go on TV and say these things. Personally, I think it was a stupid tactic to get himself out of the house.
I think it was wrong for the other housemates to isolate him and say he was difficult to live with, because as Keith Chegwin says, when he's on his own, he just does his own thing. And I think if he wasn't ejected, Ken just might have won it - the isolated always do e.g. Gary Busey, Jim Davidson.

Chloe Goodman

Thought she was a bit annoying on Ex on the Beach, apparently she's a Cheryl Cole look-a-like (I don't see it) and she's been a bum double for Cameron Diaz (eesh)

Now, it's obviously an unpopular opinion as she was the first to be voted out but I actually quite liked Chloe. Yes she was a little bit annoying and she didn't really do much, but I like people who I believe to be real in there, and I think Chloe, despite looking a little bit fake, had her heart in the right place and was friendly to her other housemates. I know that if I was in Big Brother I would probably get on Chloe - she seems like a laugh, she's kind, she's a good listener, but she's just a little bit annoying and that's why she was voted out.
She had a rough time in that house (e.g. the Jeremy dressing gown incident) and just, Perez. That is all that needs to be said. 
We probably won't here from her much again, maybe a fitness DVD or another series of Ex on the Beach but for me, she wasn't that bad to watch. Well done, Chloe! I leave you with the Chloe boob bounce.

Alexander O'Neal

80's soul singer.. You know that song that's like... YOU'VE JUST CLOSED YOUR MIND OOOOH OOOOOOH

Alexander was a great man, and he would of gone a long way. But it looked like the pain that is Perez pushed him to the limit. He has since said that he left the house as he was worried he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hitting Perez and just the general stress of the house (we don't blame him). Any fans of the show will know how tough it looks.
Yes, he said the f word when addressing Perez and it may have been a panicked and scared exit but he's not a nasty man. Alexander was simply a legend. He was kind, he was funny, he had a great accent and quite simply, he was the coolest and smoothest person in that house. 
He will be missed in that house, clearly seen by Katie Hopkins' outburst at Perez as the news was announced. All hail the legend that is Alexander. 

And on we go. 11 housemates remain, and we've got 15 more days of fun and games, in which this irritation of a human being will inevitably be crowned the winner:-

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